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Dysport, a non-invasive cosmetic treatment for fine lines and facial wrinkles, is a neuromodulator that precisely targets only the treated area. This allows you to avoid the frozen look often associated with anti-aging injectables. With virtually no downtime after injections, Dysport results are noticeable within a week and last for up to four months. If you are considering injections to help you reclaim your youthful appearance, you may be a great candidate.

Ideal Candidates for Dysport

Most adults seeking to eliminate moderate to severe lines and wrinkles such as glabellar lines (located between the brows) are able to receive safe and effective injections of this FDA-approved treatment. There are a few guidelines we use to determine whether you are an ideal candidate:

  • Anyone suffering from neurological disorders such as epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, or Parkinson’s disease should avoid Dysport.
  • Women who are nursing or pregnant should wait to receive injections until circumstances change.

During an initial consultation, Dr. Rosenstein reviews your medical history and performs a thorough facial analysis to determine whether Dysport is right for you. He may determine that another rejuvenation treatment would be more effective to accomplish your ideal aesthetic, or that Dysport will work best in combination with other injectables.

How to Prepare for Dysport Injections

After reviewing the procedure with you and determining eligibility, Dr. Rosenstein provides information to help you prepare for your Dysport appointment. Your patient instructions include the following steps:

  • Eat and drink  the day of your injection.
  • Discontinue use of blood thinning medications such as aspirin and Ibuprofen, as well as supplements including garlic and vitamin E, one week before your scheduled injections. If you are taking prescription blood thinners, be sure to discuss with Dr. Rosenstein beforehand.
  • Discontinue use of hair removal and anti-aging products on the area to be treated 72 hours before your appointment.
  • Avoid alcohol consumption within 24 hours of injections.

Be sure to follow all directions in order to ensure you have the best possible outcome. This includes after-care instructions that help you prepare for your follow-up visit.

Never Let Frown Lines or Facial Wrinkles Make You Sad Again – Dysport Allows You to Express Yourself Without Worry

With Dysport, you can say goodbye to frown lines and other facial wrinkles that dampen your mood when you look in the mirror! Call us today at 561-736-9800 to book your consultation with Dr. Rosenstein for Dysport near West Palm Beach.