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ThermiVa is all about taking back control over the intimate areas of your life and feeling your best again. As we all know and eventually experience, our bodies change as we age, especially after having children. Some changes are for the better, but there are others that we may feel that we could do without. And that’s where ThermiVa comes in.

What is ThermiVa?

You may find that your skin is not as firm as it used to be. Maybe you’re developing fine lines and wrinkles or experiencing sagging skin on the arms, belly, or other areas. And there may also be some less-talked-about changes that you are experiencing. These changes may include excessive stretching of the vaginal muscles that make you wish that you could turn back the clock on your body.

Vaginal laxity can be caused by a variety of factors. It can be due to childbirth or the aging process, both of which are completely normal occurrences, or a medical condition that you have no control over.

Laxity can make it harder to feel sensation during intimate moments between you and your partner. It may lessen the physical pleasure that you feel, and it may even change the dynamic of your intimate relationships.

That’s where ThermiVa comes in.

You may not be able to literally turn back time. But ThermiVa gives your body the look and feel as though you did. It can also kick your sexual satisfaction up a notch, making you feel more confident in the bedroom.

How Does ThermiVa Work?

ThermiVa, the new gold standard in vaginal rejuvenation procedures, is a treatment that is both non-invasive and non-hormonal. It uses a controlled radiofrequency energy that heats the tissue in a manner that causes only a small amount – if any – of pain and discomfort. What is being heated in this procedure is the collagen fibrils, which then contract, resulting in vaginal tightening. It is used on both the outer and inner vaginal tissue.

In order to heat the tissue, we use a hand piece that has a width of approximately 0.5” and is applied smoothly and without discomfort. This hand piece is active at the tip, which will provide the gentle heat that leads to the contracting and tightening processes.

The treatment takes place within the office, and it’s convenient and won’t require any downtime afterward. Keep in mind that this procedure is not for patients who are pregnant or have any infections near the area where the treatment will be performed.

ThermiVa vs. MonaLisa Touch

You may be wondering how ThermiVa stacks up against the competition. You’ll be pleased to know that it rises to the top. Whereas ThermiVA uses a gentle radiofrequency to tighten your vaginal tissue, MonaLisa Touch uses laser energy to apply heat to the vaginal tissue. ThermiVa, in comparison to MonaLisa Touch, causes less discomfort. and you’ll also have less downtime afterward, as we all know how busy life can be.

In addition, both procedures require maintenance treatments. Whereas the ThermiVa requires maintenance treatments within the first 8-12 months, MonaLisa Touch requires maintenance treatments within the first 12 months. It can also be used on both the inner and outer vaginal tissue, which changes the outer appearance of the vaginal, making it more youthful and aesthetically pleasing.

Overall, ThermiVa is the clear winner amongst vaginal rejuvenation procedures. It is a process that restores beauty, satisfaction, and confidence. It’s a treatment that will make you feel restored on both the inside and the outside, bringing out a better you.

Don’t Put Off Vaginal Atrophy Treatment Any Longer! Get ThermiVa in Boynton Beach Today!

Dr. Rosenstein offers consultations for ThermiVa, to make the process more comfortable and to answer any additional questions that you may have. Call us today at  and find out how we can help you reclaim your vaginal youth!